WonderWebs Secure Certificates (SSL) Completed
Robert Axford
/ Categories: WonderWebs News

WonderWebs Secure Certificates (SSL) Completed

This email is sent to WonderWebs customers who recently requested an SSL certificate to be installed on their website.

All certificate installations are now complete and your website will no longer show the 'Not Secured' message to visitors. In its place, a padlock icon is displayed. Clicking the padlock provides further confirmation of the secure connection. This pleases Google and also your customers.


What do you need to do?
It is suggested that you test your contact form and your ecommerce system, in particular if you haven't had any recent notifications from these. Get back to us if there are any issues.

What have we done?
In addition to installing your certificate, we updated your domain settings where necessary. Then we reconfigured the server and your website. Finally, we examined your website's code and content to update links to any non-secured content such as images and fonts.

Afterwards we replaced the Google Search Console entry, added new sitemaps and reconnected Google Analytics. Then we did the same for Bing Search.

What happens next?

  • We will send out a single invoice for the $60 setup fee.
  • We will either add the $30 annual renewal fee to your annual hosting invoice, or split it across your quarterly or monthly invoices.
  • If you have a monthly auto-payment, please adjust the amount when the next monthly invoice arrives.

Thank You!
Robert Axford
[email protected]
+64 21 385030

Robert Axford

Robert AxfordRobert Axford

Director - WonderWebs Limited

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WonderWebs director Robert Axford has over 20 years experience producing both internal and external corporate and government communications services, including intranets and websites.

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